Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Quite the debate...

It all started with this post from a fellow adoptee on her Facebook Status:

For those of us who believe in God - guess what, he wouldn't put a baby in the wrong uterus... He wouldn't need humans to "correct his mistake" and give the baby to the *correct* adopters... Ugh, I wish they would stop using God's name to justify taking someone else's baby....

Then, it all went south from there... tho, I think we're being pretty civilized, all things considered.

I said that JUST yesterday to my husband... God doesn't make mistakes & so HE wouldn't put a baby in one uterus just to complete another family that had nothing to do with said uterus! Until babies start jumping from their mothers' wombs & into the arms of PAPs it isn't God's work or will... it is work done by other humans to make themselves "whole"...
The "argument" I've always heard is that of Moses (adopted by the Egyptian queen when all sons of Hebrew/Jewish mothers were being killed) and that of Jesus (his bloodline to King David is defined by his earthly father Joseph, not Mary, his... mother... therefore an adopted bloodline)...

BUT, it's not like I'm out saving the Jews from slavery or saving the entire human race from their Sin... so, don't even START with that sort of God plan with me.


Real Daughter said...

Amen, girlfriend.

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